FLISA Well Represented at FRO (Federal Relations Outreach)
A big FLISA thank you to Mark, Steph, Christine, Wes, for their work in Washington at this Spring’s Federal Relations Outreach (FRO) program.
The accompanying photo shows the four of us (plus Tom the FLISA Executive Director) at the Department of Education, where an initial briefing meeting took place before we teamed up to advocate on The Hill.
Each advocacy team dispatched to The Hill includes a representative from each of the NAFIS Sub-groups. Typically, our FRO meetings allow us access to congressional offices that we might not otherwise reach.
Additionally, working with representatives from other sub-groups provides NAFIS family members an opportunity to learn from each other while making our “pitch” to congress members.
Thanks for representing our FLISA impacted schools at this important event.
Also shown: A photo of Christine and Steph with representatives from MISA and South Dakota Impact Aid Associations.